Excel 2019 Expert 专家级考试大纲

Excel 2019 Expert 专家级考试大纲

获取数据Capturing Data1.利用数据有效性限制数据输入1.Restrict data entry by using data validation2.链接表单控件输入到单元格2.Link ...

Excel 2019 associate 助理级考试大纲

Excel 2019 associate 助理级考试大纲

管理邮件Managing Messaging1.创建和发送一份电子邮件1.Create and send an e-mail message2.创建和管理你的签名和自动化邮件2.Create and ...

Access 2019 Expert 专业级考试大纲

Access 2019 Expert 专业级考试大纲

构建一个数据库Structuring a Database1.定义数据需求和类型1.Define data needs and types2.定义打印表的关系2.Define and print ta...

PowerPoint 2019 Associate 专业级考试大纲

PowerPoint 2019 Associate 专业级考试大纲

Microsoft Office Specialist国际办公专业能力认证PowerPoint 2007 考试大纲评量项目名称创建和格式化演示文稿Creating and Formatting Pre...

Outlook 2019 Associate 助理级考试大纲

Outlook 2019 Associate 助理级考试大纲

创建和操作数据Creating and Manipulating Data1.利用自动填充柄插入数据1.Insert data by using AutoFill2.确保数据的完整性2.Ensure ...

Word 2019 Associate 助理级考试大纲

Word 2019 Associate 助理级考试大纲

创建和自定义文档Creating and Customizing Documents1.创建和格式化文档1.Create and format documents2.布局文档2.Lay out doc...